General Manager: Özgür ALTUNTAŞ www.nurolbank.com.tr
Nurol Investment Bank commenced its operations in 1999 and has then been offering a wide range of investment and corporate banking services to its clients for 25 years. With its capital structure and well-equipped human resources, goal of creating economic value, talent to establish long-term relationships with its clients; Nurol Investment Bank is in the league of leader investment banks in Türkiye.
Nurol Investment Bank provides products and services that help all of its clients to improve their efficiency, reduce their risk level, significantly control their costs and increase their market shares.Thanks to the knowledge and experience of a professional team with high level technical expertise and local market experience and in line with the needs of its clients, Nurol Investment Bank offers creative, innovative products andservices on:
- Complex financial modeling,
- Optimum financial package structuring,
- Equity finance consultancy,
- Financial instruments structured to provide alternative source of funds,
- Creating new finance sources from local and international organizations and Capital markets.
Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR) of Nurol Investment Bank was recorded as 20.99 percent as at the end of 2023 while the Return on Equity ratio was recorded as 104.88 percent. Earnings Before Taxes of the Bank, whose Return on Assets (ROA) is 16.02 percent, increased when compared to the previous year. Earnings Before Taxes reached to TRY 3 billion 875 million 707 thousand. In 2023, the Bank issued a total of TRY 8,7 billion worth of debt instruments in various maturities at competitive prices. In April 2023, JCR Eurasia Rating affirmed the Long-Term National Issuer Credit Rating of “Nurol Investment Bank Inc.” as “AA (Tr)”, well
Phone : +90 (212) 286 81 00
Fax : +90 (212) 286 81 01
E-Mail : info@nurolbank.com.tr
Web Site : www.nurolbank.com.tr
Address: Nurol Plaza B Blok Büyükdere Cad No:255 Kat:15 Maslak 34485 Sarıyer
İstanbul - TURKEY