Page 12 - Annual Report 2019
P. 12


                                   NUROL HOLDING BOARD of DIRECTORS    AND COORDINATORS

                                                                           ADVISORS         INTERNAL AUDIT

          CONSTRUCTION                    DEFENSE                       TRADE                        TOURISM
          CONTRACT and                   INDUSTRY
           REAL ESTATE                                               COORDINATOR                   COORDINATOR

                                                                                                   Turser Tourism
         Nurol Construction            Nurol Makina ve               TÜMAD Mining                  Publishing and
         and Trading Co. Inc.            Sanayi A.Ş.               Industry & Trade Inc.             Trade Inc.

                                      Nurol Technologies              Nurol Energy                 Bosfor Tourism
         Nurol Real Estate              Industry and                 Generation and
        Investment Trust Inc.         Mining Trade Inc.               Marketing Inc.              Management Inc.
                                                                                                   Nurol Hotel and
                                                                   Nurol Göksu Energy                 Tourism
         SGO Construction              FNSS Savunma                  Production Inc.              Management Inc.
          and Trading Inc.             Sistemleri A.Ş.

                                                                   Nurol Solar Energy
                                         BNA Nurol
         Otoyol Yatırım ve              BAE Systems                  Production Inc.
           İşletme A.Ş.                Air Systems Inc.
                                                                    Nurol İşletme ve
           Gebze - İzmir                                              Yönetim A.Ş.
        İşletme & Bakım A.Ş.

                                                                   Nurol Aviation Inc.
         Otoyol İşletme &
            Bakım A.Ş.
                                                                      Enova Energy
                                                                     Production Inc.
            Nurol LLC
              (UAE)                                                   Enova Energy
                                                                     Wholesale Inc.

         Nurol Georgia LLC                                           Botim Business
             (Georgia)                                              Management and
                                                                       Trading Inc.

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